American Legion Auxiliary
Post 974 Whitney Point New York
From Eloise Wescott
Membership Renewal Notices will be mailed from NYS about mid-Sept. However, if you want to call or pay online, you may do so at this time, instead of waiting for your renewal notice. Here are 3 easy ways for you to pay your dues. Choose whatever way is easiest for you. Upon renewal, please make any corrections to your name, address and phone number, at this time. If you pay your dues online or by phone, NYS will usually send you your Membership Card via mail or email. If you do not receive it, I can always make one out for you on a local level.
*NOTE: If you are not up-to date with your dues, you will have to pay last years dues before you are able to pay your 2025 dues or your dues will not show current.
A lot of this information is still new to me as your new Membership Chairman, but I will make sure we accomplish this matter together. Thank You all for your cooperation. Questions? Call me @ 607-427-2247.
If you value patriotism, responsible citizenship, volunteerism and advocacy for veterans and their families, you will feel right at home in the American Legion Post 974 Auxiliary. You can teach school children about our nation's flag, assemble care packages to send to our troops, or volunteer at your local VA Medical Center. As a member of local unit Post 974, you'll have a ready made support system and many hands-on opportunities to serve in ways that truly make a difference.
Patriotism and veterans advocacy are so important to us that for more than nine decades we've been serving, educating, and giving to America's finest - our servicemen and women. We're individuals who answer the call of Service, Not Self.
Q: I am related to someone who served on active duty during one of the membership eligibilty dates. Can I join the Auxiliary of The American Legion?
A: If your relative who served on active duty during one of the membership eligibility dates and is a member of The American Legion, you may join the American Legion Auxiliary of The American Legion.
However, if the qualifying Veteran is deceased you may join the appropriate organization, even if the qualifying Veteran was not a member of The American Legion when living.
For more information: Post 974 Contact at or if you prefer National Contact at